Sunday, March 25, 2012

Grover monster at the end of the book!!

After lots of research and talking to other people and eachother Greg and I decided to buy an Ipad. We got it mainly for Charley as there are TONS of learning apps for toddlers and he LOVES to play with electronics. We went with the 1st addition since we didnt really want to spend alot and didnt need a real up to date version.We have got lots of free apps but purchased "Grover monster at the end of this book"! We heard that lots of kids enjoyed it! I have to say that it was work the money to buy the ipad and app just to see and hear Charley laugh so hard while reading/playing the story! On another note!

Greg has been working hard during the day and on the weekend to get the drive and yard ready to pour concret for the sidewalk and to get the fence finished between the deck and garage. I know if will be nice when it is done and that I will enjoy it but I have to say right now I don't like it at all!! The back yard looks like a mud pit and the area that is going to be sidewalk is what I like to call a "Death trap".

We are looking forward to the weather staying nice and being able to get the camper out soon and start camping.

We spent saturday night at a benefit for TJ Goemaat. We don't personally know him or his siblings/parents but are pretty good friends with his aunt and uncle! He is 10 years old and about 2 months ago got diagnosed with a brain tumor. He did about 4 to 6 weeks of radiation but the tumor was only growing so they stopped. He is now at the hopsice house here in Osky. The benefit was a HUGE success. They had a silent auction and lots of games and stuff to do for little kids. Tyler Sash was there signing autographs and everything! I'm guessing they got a good turnout as I would say there were at least a thousand people that showed up to support the Goemaat family! Its nice to know that there are that many people in our community that are willing to support a family in need! Please keep the Goemaat family in your prayers!

I have decided that I would try my hand at gardening again this year and have planted alot more veggies this year than last.. I started them out as seeds and I think as soon as it drys up a little and Greg gets the spot tilled up I will be ready to put them in the ground! I have lots of seeds getting plants!!! Can't wait to see how it goes!

Other than that we have not been up to much other than working and trying to enjoy the 1 or 2 days a week that we can all 3 be together! Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather!