Sunday, December 23, 2012

Andrew James Johnson

We are proud to announce the arrival of our new baby boy Andrew James (Drew). He was born Saturday December 22, 2012 at 1:07 a.m. weighing in at 6 pounds 11 ounces and 18.5 inches long! He is doing really well and is the spitting image of Charley.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Baby J

Tickling baby

Can't believe we are almost a family of 4



Love this little boy more than I words can say

                                                         Charley wanted me to sit on his lap


Almost time!

I know I havent been good at updating for a long time!! We have been busy I guess so I'll do the best I can! We are down to the last 3 weeks before due date with Baby J! Charley is really excited! If you ask him if he wants a baby he says YES and when asked if he wants a baby sister or baby brother he says he wants a white baby!! We have almost everything ready in the nursery and the baby has picked out the BEST present to give to Charley when it arrives!!

Charley is getting SOO BIG! I can't believe that he is 2 1/2 already! He is getting so smart and so funny! He loves to keep us entertained and on our toes!! He loves to help us with everything and do things on his own! He is very self sufficent..... We have been working on potty training we arent pressureing him as he is doing really good one his own!! He is growing up too FAST!

Greg has been busy trying to get a few things done before winter gets here. He poured concrete last week to put my duster on and now needs to get steel on the frame of building and then he will be able to park in garage at night!! Greg also offically got moved to DAYS permanetly!!

As for me!! I'm hanging in here!! Getting anxious for the baby to get here and how I'm going to manage the 2 kids thing!! I have been working in a law firm for the past few months and just got offered a Full time position when I go back after having the baby!! I'm pretty excited about it and really enjoy the other 2 office girls and lawyers! Not really looking forward to having both kids in day care 2 full days a week but I'm sure they will be fine!

We finally closed on our old house!! We are loving that we only own ONE house now!! :)
Thats about all we have going on right now! I will try to post some current pictures also!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Charley wanted to take his car for a drive also

Excited to have his new bed

Makes me sad he is getting so big

He loves it

Took the duster out for a drive

Loaded up and ready to go to new house

Strapping it down

Here we go

Almost there


Thursday, September 6, 2012


Well I dont even know where to start with Charley! He is getting so big and learns new things everyday!! He can say his alphabete with very little help and can also count to 10! I will try to catch it on camera so I can post it cause its pretty cute (I think)!! Seems like the last week or so he has really started to put sentences together and you can understand them!! He has almost all 4 of his 2 year molars. We are getting ready to move him into his big boy bed as soon as we are home for a whole week to get him settled.

Baby J

Well we are about 22 or 23 weeks I dont remember for sure! I know I'm a horrible mommy!! :) Anyway we had our ultrasound 2 weeks ago and everything looked great! Baby weighed 13 oz. Charley went with us, he seemed to think it was pretty neat but he was getting bored so he called my mom and apparently told her that he could see the baby and that it was not cute!! HE IS TOO SILLY!!! We did not find out what it is so guess we will all have to be surprised!!

21 ish weeks
18 ish weeks

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It's twin GIRLS!!!

Meet our new babies! Greg had been talking about getting an "outside/shop" kitty and while Charley was at my mom and dads a few weekends ago he got to pick a kitty to bring home. Well we went out today to get the kitty and he wanted 2 so we brought these 2 little girls home! We have not named them yet and Greg hasnt seen them yet! Will post more when they are named. 

                                                                           Baby girl #1
                                                                                Baby girl # 2

Our new casa!

                                                                        our bedroom
                                                                       dining room

                                                                   2 of the buildings                          

I know we have been here for 3 months now but I am obviously slow at getting things done! Haha so here are some pictures of the new place minus Charley's room since he is napping! (please excuss the mess) :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Well I am going to attempt to get everyone up to date in 1 post! As last posted we have moved and are starting to get settled in!! There are still a few boxes to unpack but they are mostly stuff that needs to be thrown away! Charley is LOVING the new house, he loves to run around inside and LOVES to play outside. Greg still need to move everything in the garage but we have alot going on the next couple weeks so its going to be a little while till that gets done.
We have a couple in the house now that are going to rent it from us until they get all there loan stuff taken care of so they can buy it. They are really great about letting us take our time getting the stuff out of garage.

As some of you (most) already know Charley is going to be a big brother!!! We are all VERY excited and cant wait for January to get here! we are right around 12 weeks. Charley likes to tell Baby J he loves it and just last night decided he likes to give it kisses also.   I have not felt that great this time around and have asked Greg a few times to just shoot me and get it over with! I didn't have any of this stuff with Charley so was a little shocked even though I know how lucky I was with him. I have been feeling alot better the last few weeks so it hasn't been to bad! I know Jan will be here before we know it.

We also now have a 2 year old! I can't believe he is 2 already!! The last 2 years has gone to fast! It amazes me everyday how much he has grown and learned! He makes us laugh all the time and is so smart! I think he might even be teaching us stuff.. haha

We will be spending the next 2 weekends going to car shows and camping! This weekend is Good Guys in Dsm and then next weekend is the Bologna Nats in Pella. I am going to be coming home from the Good Guys Saturday to do a friends hair for her wedding and her bridesmaids! I'm not going to be too sad that I will get to be in the air for a while while the boys are sweating at the car show! We hope to make it out alot more this summer in the camper since we all 3 love camping!

Hope everyone is doing well! I will try to update more often but can't make any promises!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Moving forward

I know I haven't been that great at updating everyone! Sorry bout that! Well as most of you know and those who don't know we are MOVING!!! We have been somewhat looking for the last year or so and even though we weren't "seriously" looking we found the PERFECT place. We close June 4th if not sooner! We will now have a great house with an attached 2 car garge with 2 out buildings. We have 6 1/2 acres of land and LOTS of room to play!!! We can't wait to move and get settled in! We have a couple that might be interested in our house pending if they can get the loan! So please say a little prayer that they will be able to!! We would like to not have 2 houses very long! :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

April Fool's Day

Well I guess we forgot that it was April Fool's Day. We got up and went to breakfast and were outside working in the yard by 10.I had seen a thing on pinterest that I wanted to make for Charley to play with outside so Greg lead me in the right direction and we got it done in no time!!

I got some stuff planted in my garden hopefully not to soon!! We had a LOT of dirt that needed moved around from the driveway and sidewalk. Greg thought it would be fine to just shovel it all to where he wanted it and I was NOT having any part of that so suggested that we have someone with a 4-wheeler come help. Just so happens our friend Cody was going to stop by so he brought his and got it moved in no time!! Thanks Cody! After Charley laid down for his nap we got real serious and started finishing our fence between the garage and deck! It didn't take long and it was done!It is amazing how fast you can get stuff done when you put your mind to it! It was close to 6:30 when we came inside to get cleaned up! We had some friends over to watch the ACMs so had to get cleaned up! So I'd say our April Fool's Day was a success!!

Charley's 1st Easter egg hunt

Well we took Charley to his 1st Easter egg hunt of the year (actually 1st actual egg hunt too) I think he really enjoyed it! It was at Pella corp for the employees kids! We got there a little before 9 and only had to wait a few minutes before he got to start! There were eggs and candy all over the grass.... We told him to pick up the eggs so he was walking all over the candy to get eggs... after he got them we told him to pick up the candy also...he got about 1/2 a basket full! We decided to run into Thiesens before coming home and he decided that he didn't want to leave his basket thus the throwing himself down on the ground outside the car since we wouldn't let him take the basket with!!All in all it was a great Saturday morning

We then spend the afternoon going to Wellman to pick up "old Blew" and since we were already there we went to Kalona to get cheese curds and go to Stringtown Grocerey.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Grover monster at the end of the book!!

After lots of research and talking to other people and eachother Greg and I decided to buy an Ipad. We got it mainly for Charley as there are TONS of learning apps for toddlers and he LOVES to play with electronics. We went with the 1st addition since we didnt really want to spend alot and didnt need a real up to date version.We have got lots of free apps but purchased "Grover monster at the end of this book"! We heard that lots of kids enjoyed it! I have to say that it was work the money to buy the ipad and app just to see and hear Charley laugh so hard while reading/playing the story! On another note!

Greg has been working hard during the day and on the weekend to get the drive and yard ready to pour concret for the sidewalk and to get the fence finished between the deck and garage. I know if will be nice when it is done and that I will enjoy it but I have to say right now I don't like it at all!! The back yard looks like a mud pit and the area that is going to be sidewalk is what I like to call a "Death trap".

We are looking forward to the weather staying nice and being able to get the camper out soon and start camping.

We spent saturday night at a benefit for TJ Goemaat. We don't personally know him or his siblings/parents but are pretty good friends with his aunt and uncle! He is 10 years old and about 2 months ago got diagnosed with a brain tumor. He did about 4 to 6 weeks of radiation but the tumor was only growing so they stopped. He is now at the hopsice house here in Osky. The benefit was a HUGE success. They had a silent auction and lots of games and stuff to do for little kids. Tyler Sash was there signing autographs and everything! I'm guessing they got a good turnout as I would say there were at least a thousand people that showed up to support the Goemaat family! Its nice to know that there are that many people in our community that are willing to support a family in need! Please keep the Goemaat family in your prayers!

I have decided that I would try my hand at gardening again this year and have planted alot more veggies this year than last.. I started them out as seeds and I think as soon as it drys up a little and Greg gets the spot tilled up I will be ready to put them in the ground! I have lots of seeds getting plants!!! Can't wait to see how it goes!

Other than that we have not been up to much other than working and trying to enjoy the 1 or 2 days a week that we can all 3 be together! Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Just a few more.......

Greg strapping car down

Dirty boy after playing in the guys shop

Standing by our new car

Back view

The car!!