Sunday, January 25, 2009

kitchen progress

so we've not done much since last login, i've managed to throw together some base cabinets(trying to match the others), we're adding a garbage disposal and building in the dishwasher, so the fridge is getting moved and that will free up some space for some more, much needed, countertop(which we ordered saturday). donations welcome!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Same ol' stuff

We do not have a whole lot of new stuff going on. We are slowly making progress on the kitchen. All the drywall mud is up it's just waiting to be sanded! Greg is going to try a new technique using a wet sponge. I've decided that it is really inconvenient to have everything that was in the kitchen in the rest of the house. It's a little annoying. We have started walking at the mall to get some exercise although Greg thinks that it sucks and complains the whole time. We usually get about 2 miles in each time. Other than that not we don't have anything exciting! Hope everyone is well and enjoying the weather!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just another day

As most of you read in our last post Greg was in the process of finding out if he had good news! He does....he is going to be working day temporarly (until April 1) in the tool room. Which means that he is basically training so he has a better chance of getting a job up there when things pick back up! I think it is going to take a little getting used to since we will both be at home together now!I mananged to change my hours around a little so that I only work till 8 one night a week so that we can be here together more! Also we started remodeling our kitchen! We are getting ready to start putting it back together on Friday I think! We are getting pretty excited about it since we have lots of things we are changing! Other than that not a whole lot new is going on in this household.We noticed yesterday that Pretzel's leg is swollen a little bit and called the vet but they can't get her in until Friday so lucky Greg has the day off so he is going to be taking her! We are sure its nothing but figured it should be checked out! Hope everyone is well!

Friday, January 2, 2009


Wow! I can't believe that it is january! We haven't really been up to anything lately....We are finally done with Christmas we got tons of awesome gifts for everyone! We went to Iowa City to bring in the new year! We stayed with Trenton Place and his gf Stephaine! Also Ben and Amanda went we had alot of fun and saw alot of weird and crazy people, not to mention freezing to death since Amanda and I didn't wear coats! We went to Ottumwa today and did a little shopping but mainly went to menards because we are going to start remodeling our kitchen! We have alot of work ahead of us!